Ivory Siege Tower

mobile construct built of thoughts and parentheses

Org-Roam-Blog Index Definitions

orb project source

Index section definitions for the Org-Roam-Blog Engine Package.

§ Index Root Spec (Type)

Elementary index type specificators.

At first I tried a "healthy" typed approach - as far as one can do it in lisp. But later realized that:

  1. Elisp does not use type annotations for struct instance constructors.

  2. The defmethod here cannot dispatch on deftypes

  3. But it can dispatch on (head thing)

  4. And that's what I need, because root specs are simple enough to be represented as cons-es (well, lists in fact, for there can be extra parameters in the spec).

  (defvar org-roam-blog--index-root-speclist '(all node query)
    "Spec symbols for ORB Index types.")

  (defun org-roam-blog--index-root-spec-p (thing)
    "Index Root has a form of cons cell:
    CAR is a spec symbol (for dispatch); rest is data for search."
    (and (consp thing)
         (member (car thing) org-roam-blog--index-root-speclist)))

  (deftype org-roam-blog-index-root-spec-type ()
    '(satisfies org-roam-blog--index-root-spec-p))

§ Aux definitions for Index constructor

§ Root Spec Errors and Validation

Defining errors that might pop-up in the constructor.

  (define-error 'org-roam-blog-index-root-error
     "ORB Index Error: Index Root should exist and be valid."

  (define-error 'org-roam-blog-no-queries-error
     "ORB Error: Query Roots are not implemented yet."

Validate the existence of the index root object

  (defun org-roam-blog--validate-root-spec (root-spec)
    (when (eql (car root-spec) 'query)
      (signal 'org-roam-blog-no-queries-error root-spec))

    (or (eql (car root-spec) 'all)
        (and (eql (car root-spec) 'node)
             (org-roam-node-from-id (cadr root-spec)))))

§ Slug Builder

Uses handy utility defined in -utils:

  (defun org-roam-blog--slugify-default (string)
    "Indes slug-builder; defaults to calling `org-roam-blog-slugify'."
    (funcall #'org-roam-blog-slugify string))

§ Guess Index Title based on the root-spec

Title should be known during index construction. Either provided at start or populated from the root.

  (cl-defgeneric org-roam-blog--guess-index-title (root-spec)
    "Tries to guess a title for index based on its ROOT-SPEC.")

  (cl-defmethod org-roam-blog--guess-index-title
    ((root-spec (head all)))
    "ORB Index Instance")

  (cl-defmethod org-roam-blog--guess-index-title
   ((root-spec (head node)))
    (org-roam-node-from-id (cadr root-spec))))

§ Default sort and filter funcs

My handy and reasonable defaults for index filter-fn and sort-fn.

filter-fn is a function to filter out nodes: it takes an org-roam-node, and when nil is returned the node will be filtered out.

sort-fn is a predicate to sort org-roam-node entries.

  (defun org-roam-blog--filter-default (node)
    "Default node filtering function for index nodelist construction.
  T unless NODE tagged win `noexport'."
    (not (member "noexport" (org-roam-node-tags node))))

  (defun org-roam-blog--sort-default (node1 node2)
    "Default node sorting key for index nodelist construction.
  Intended to leave nodes sorted in descending order w/r to date
  they were added; compares `org-timestamp' date field in the
  property set as `org-roam-blog-default-date-property' record of
  the nodes.

  T when NODE1 appears added later than NODE2, or if any of the
  nodes are missing `org-roam-blog-default-date-property' property
  (leaving them in place)."
    (let ((ds1 (cdr (assoc org-roam-blog-default-date-property
                           (org-roam-node-properties node1))))
          (ds2 (cdr (assoc org-roam-blog-default-date-property
                           (org-roam-node-properties node2)))))
      (or (null ds1)
          (null ds2)
          (not (calendar-date-compare     ; that thing needs lists of date-lists :/
                (list (org-roam-blog-to-calendar-date ds1))
                (list (org-roam-blog-to-calendar-date ds2)))))))

§ Definitions for context of Entries of an Index

The method in place of :entry-context-fn of an index outputs a context hash-table object for an org-roam-node representing an entry.

The following example has somewhat duplicating show-... field in the context in order to signal mustache.el templates that corresponding lists must be rendered on page (syntax for lists and booleans in mustache is the same).

  (defun org-roam-blog--entry-context-default (node)
    "Default NODE to context hash-table processor."
    (let* ((lead-index (org-roam-node--lead-index-for (org-roam-node-id node)))
           (backlinks (org-roam-blog--backlinks-to-context node))
           (date (cdr (assoc org-roam-blog-default-date-property
                            (org-roam-node-properties node))))
           (tags (mapcar (lambda (tag) (ht ("tag" tag)))
                        (org-roam-node-tags node)))
           (toclevel (cdr (assoc org-roam-blog-toc-level-property
                           (org-roam-node-properties node))))
           (toc (when toclevel (org-roam-blog--toc-to-context
                                node (string-to-number toclevel)))))
      (ht ("title" (org-roam-node-title node))
          ("lead-index-title" (org-roam-blog-index-title lead-index))
          ("backlinks" backlinks)
          ("show-backlinks" (when backlinks t))
          ("toc" toc)
          ("show-toc" (when toc t))
          ("date" date)
          ("show-date" (when date t))
          ("tags" tags)
          ("show-tags" (when tags t))
          ("self-url" (org-roam-blog--relative-entry-url node lead-index))
          ("main" (org-roam-blog--htmlize-node-content node)))))

entry-fname-fn outputs endpoint filename for output of an entry context.

  (defun org-roam-blog--entry-fname-default (node)
    "Default filename builder for entry NODE object."
    (->> (org-roam-node-title node)
         (format "%s.html")))
  (defsubst org-roam-blog--entry-fname-with-date (node)
    "Alternative filename builder NODE object that prepends the entry date."
          (let ((date (org-roam-blog-to-calendar-date datestring)))
            (cl-destructuring-bind (month day year) date
              (format "%4d-%02d-%02d-" year month day)))))
      (let ((datestring
             (cdr (assoc org-roam-blog-default-date-property
                         (org-roam-node-properties node)))))
        (concatenate 'string
                     (datestring-to-slug-part datestring)
                     (org-roam-blog--entry-fname-default node)))))

§ Index Struct

By the way, type annotations in elisp influence nothing. Just a set of hints for self.

Heuristics for index file structure:

  • No :template or :context-fn means no index content file is outputted. Suits for sections with only entry items' pages.

  • No :entry-dir means no subdirectory for entry items is made. Entries than go to the corresponding index top subdirectory (defined by the :slug field).

The group-by field is intended for pagination. It can be left set to 0 or non-~0~ integer.

  (cl-defstruct (org-roam-blog-index (:constructor org-roam-blog-index--create)
                                     (:copier nil))
    (root-spec        nil  :type org-roam-blog-index-root-spec-type)
    (title            nil  :type string)
    (slug             nil  :type string)

    (entry-dir  org-roam-blog-default-entry-dir-name :type string)
    (media-dir  org-roam-blog-default-media-dir-name :type string)

    (template         nil  :type string)
    (entry-template   nil  :type string)

    (slug-fn   #'org-roam-blog--slugify-default
               :type function)
    (filter-fn #'org-roam-blog--filter-default
               :type function)
    (sort-fn   #'org-roam-blog--sort-default
               :type function)
    (group-by  0 :type integer)

    (context-fn  #'org-roam-blog--index-context-default
                 :type function)
    (entry-context-fn #'org-roam-blog--entry-context-default
                      :type function)
    (entry-fname-fn #'org-roam-blog--entry-fname-default
                    :type function)
    (leading   t :type boolean))

Index constructor definition.

  (cl-defun org-roam-blog-index-create (&rest args)
    (condition-case err
        (let* ((index (apply #'org-roam-blog-index--create args))
               (root-spec (org-roam-blog-index-root-spec index)))

          (unless (and root-spec (org-roam-blog--validate-root-spec root-spec))
            (signal 'org-roam-blog-index-root-error root-spec))

          (unless (org-roam-blog-index-title index)
            (setf (org-roam-blog-index-title index)
                  (org-roam-blog--guess-index-title root-spec)))

          (unless (org-roam-blog-index-slug index)
            (setf (org-roam-blog-index-slug index)
                  (funcall (org-roam-blog-index-slug-fn index)
                           (org-roam-blog-index-title index))))
       (message "%s" (error-message-string err))

§ Utilities for Blog Index processing

§ Entry list retrieving

Dispatch the preliminary (unfiltered) entry-list retriever. Further implementation for queries might speed the things up.

  (cl-defgeneric org-roam-blog--entry-list-pre-builder (root-spec)
    "Initial entry list retriever based on the ROOT-SPEC.")

  (cl-defmethod org-roam-blog--entry-list-pre-builder
    ((root-spec (head all)))
    "Just returns `org-roam-node-list' function symbol to get all Roam's nodes."

  (cl-defmethod org-roam-blog--entry-list-pre-builder
    ((root-spec (head node)))
    "Returned lambda gets entries' subheadings of the node's heading
  as Org-Roam nodes (generate and save their Id's when needed).
  The NODE ROOT-SPEC can specify entry heading offset other than 1
  via :ENTRY-OFFSET keyword property."
    (lambda ()
           (org-roam-node-from-id (cadr root-spec)) t)
        (remove-if #'null
                   (let ((root-level (org-current-level))
                         (entry-offset (or (getf root-spec :entry-offset) 1)))
                      (lambda ()
                        (when (= root-level
                                 (- (org-current-level) entry-offset))
                          (when (buffer-modified-p)
                      nil 'tree))))))

Using previously defined dispatches, as well as filter-fn and sort-fn, the following should return final entry node list for index.

  (defun org-roam-blog--index-entry-list (index)
    "Return filtered list of Roam entries to be published for INDEX."
    (let* ((filter-fn (org-roam-blog-index-filter-fn index))
           (sort-fn (org-roam-blog-index-sort-fn index))
           (group-by (org-roam-blog-index-group-by index))
           (nodes (funcall (org-roam-blog--entry-list-pre-builder
                            (org-roam-blog-index-root-spec index))))
           (nodes (cl-remove-if-not (lambda (n)
                                      (if filter-fn (funcall filter-fn n) t)) nodes))
           (_ (when sort-fn (setq nodes (seq-sort sort-fn nodes)))))
      (if (zerop group-by)
          (list nodes)
        (seq-partition nodes group-by))))

§ Default Index context builder

Default index context builder returns a (paginated) list of context tables.

  (defsubst org-roam-blog--index-context-default (index &optional entry-list)
    "Sample constructor of a context for INDEX.
  Set in \"context-fn\" field by default.
  Optionally accepts pre-built ENTRY-LIST."
    (let* ((title (org-roam-blog-index-title index))
           (slug  (org-roam-blog-index-slug index))
           (entry-dir  (org-roam-blog-index-entry-dir index))
           (media-dir  (org-roam-blog-index-media-dir index))
           (entry-list (or entry-list (org-roam-blog--index-entry-list index)))
           (page-max (length entry-list)))
      (cl-loop for page-num from 1
               for entry-group in entry-list
               collect (let ((entry-group
                              (mapcar (org-roam-blog-index-entry-context-fn index)
                              (if (> page-num 1)
                                (format "/%s/%s-%s.html"
                                        (1- page-num))

                                ""))      ; must result in a string to render in mustache
                              (if (< page-num page-max)
                                (format "/%s/%s-%s.html"
                                        (1+ page-num))
                                "")))     ; must result in a string to render in mustache
                         (ht ("title" title)
                             ("slug" slug)
                             ("entry-dir" entry-dir)
                             ("media-dir" media-dir)
                             ("entries" entry-group)
                             ("page" page-num)
                             ("page-max" page-max)
                             ("prev-page" prev-page)
                             ("has-prev-page" (not (string-empty-p prev-page)))
                             ("next-page" next-page)
                             ("has-next-page" (not (string-empty-p next-page))))))))

§ Entry context list

  (defsubst org-roam-blog--build-entry-context-list (index &optional entry-list)
      "Prototype function to get a list of entry contexts for INDEX publishing.
  Optionally accepts pre-built grouped ENTRY-LIST, meant be flattened."
      (cl-loop for node in (flatten-list
                            (or entry-list
                                (org-roam-blog--index-entry-list index)))
               collect (list node
                             (funcall (org-roam-blog-index-entry-context-fn index) node))))

§ TODO Also grab counters for the context here

As logic for index page numbering also goes.

§ Entry relative path (URL)

Definitions that allow to get relative path of an entry inside the resulting site file structure - that for static pages also serves as URL.

  (defsubst org-roam-blog--subdir-for-index (index)
    "Return relative subdirectory for entry outputs for the INDEX
  inside the staging directory."
    (if-let ((index-slug (org-roam-blog-index-slug index))
             (entry-dir (org-roam-blog-index-entry-dir index)))
          (concat index-slug "/" entry-dir)

  (defsubst org-roam-blog--relative-entry-url (node index)
    "Output relative entry url path for an entry defined by NODE and
  an INDEX, implying that this INDEX is a leading one for the NODE."
    (let ((fname
           (funcall (org-roam-blog-index-entry-fname-fn index) node))
          (subdir (org-roam-blog--subdir-for-index index)))
      (string-trim (concat "/" subdir "/" fname))))