This place is a map of research papers that I, at some point, found interesting or useful.
Since partly built with technology of a previous millennia, this page is intended to be browsed on a wide screen.
Those portal gates containing the ab-initio thermal transport literature review are permanently "frozen" due to my PhD being forever on hold...
to zoom in, Shift+DblClick
to zoom out
The papergraph is drawn by a lisp package that fetches metadata for a set of
publications from CrossRef
and cycles them through a remix of a simplistic
parser and eventually renders a Graphviz
SVG diagram.
For BibTex bookkeeping I do use the org-ref emacs package, where
optional keywords=
property not only helps searching but is also used for the
papergraph clustering. A sample configuration (also included in the source) then
may look like this:
(in-package :papergraph) ;; When set to `t` the layout is hierarchical `dot`. Default is `fdp` spring layout. (setf layered-view nil) ;; Example cluster specification from tags in bibtex `keywords=` entries. ;; For each entry, the first one met takes effect. (setf clusters '(("md" . (:color ".3 .3 1.0" :label "Molecular Dynamics")) ("cs" . (:color ".5 .3 1.0" :label "Computer Science")))) ;; Draw only entries that belong to any of the clusters specified above: (setf clusters-only nil) ;; If the previous option is `nil`, draw "unclustered" entries with this color: (setf unclustered-color ".7 .3 1.0") ;; Edge color for unclustered entries: (setf edge-color "magenta") ;; Number of parallel threads used to query metadata from CrossRef: (setf num-api-threads 8) ;; List of paths to input bibtex entry-files: (setf ref-files '("/app/refs.bib")) ; /app is the working dir inside the container ;; Output directory: (setf out-dir #P"/app") ; /app is the working dir inside the container ;; Intermediate Graphviz .dot-file name (.svg file will have the same): (setf out-file "") ;; automatically show graph in specified browser when set: ;; (setf system-img-browser "eom") ; off by default inside the container