Ivory Siege Tower

mobile construct built of thoughts and parentheses

Alchemist's Repose


hobby st_lounge ttrpg whitehack
Last thing my players met in the Alchemist's secret hideout beneath a City Hall.

Led a one-shot for a bunch of MS students in my sister's dorm. Sort of a funnel with randomly generated 1st level Whitehack Third Edition characters.

It went really well, despite the low prep and time shortage (for the whole session we had less than 4 hours). We used a vanilla Whitehack online character generator - it looks easily tweak-able for games of any genre - and I quickly rolled a town hosting the Alchemist's Repose dungeon in it. The action stared really fast right after a short system intro, followed by furious (and deadly, heh) action. And it proves the ideas for campaign starts and styles that I've been carrying lately.

However tempting long and dense [published] campaigns would be, the sad reality gives me low resources for starting them in terms of people, free time and power for thorough preparations. Therefore I embrace the OSR attitude to randomization of game environments. Taking that idea further I will be stitching my following campaigns from single-page dungeons. In this approach the game preparation looses a lot of boring routine turning into an interesting creative exercise: uniforming several single-pages under one environment and adventure hub.

This way I may obtain something resembling neat and consistent modules like Through the Valley of the Manticore or Wyvern Songs. In other case some of them will compose a collection of one-shots in my dotted notebook, like what's out there for Cairn RPG. And the possibilities of procedural generation are yet to be exploited.

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