Ivory Siege Tower

mobile construct built of thoughts and parentheses

Whitehack Third Edition

by Christian Mehrstam

Catalog Entry


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Of the various OSR rules that I skimmed through over about a year, this one won a place in my heart. Definitely that's a ruleset that I'd be using for my fantasy games, and occasional modern tradition/ sci-fi ones too.

White Wizard's Tome of Narration Hacking. Manually patched, painted and enhanced.

It's not the separate mechanics that make a system stand out, it's how they blend together, how they are both played and presented to a wannabe player or GM. And Whitehack is closest to ideal, combining both attribute rolls and clever wording in one tasty and intuitive blend.

Character's vocation and groups allow in a spirit of FATE to port any type of character one can desire (e.g. my Sis was granted her fa favorite character from Gloomhaven, the porting took us some 10 minutes). The roll-under attribute rolls need no modificator calculations, meaning there is much less useless info to carry on the sheet. Auctions for complex task resolutions are just neat - best type of "task chaining" I've ever met. And many more, including optional rules for corruption and stress, operation bases, "modern" and "futuristic" settings, and how to hack this goodness all over. All greatly typesetted and spanning over only 150 pages small book. Plus additional 200 if you like me want a notebook space for your ideas in the end :)

One of those ideas is a minor tweak: including a Black-Hack style Usage Die for resource and ammo tracking. There will be definitely more to come, and the blank template will become a personalized folio of rules and rulings, in a true spirit of DIY RPG, just as planned by Whitehack's author Christian Mehrstam.