Ivory Siege Tower

mobile construct built of thoughts and parentheses

Istanbul Recollections


memory personal st_post vacation

Istanbul leaves mixed feelings. A city that had lost its inheritance at least twice and now hosts its bazaars among the ruins: material ruins of Byzantium Empire, and spiritual ones of Ataturk's plan.

^ picturesque view on the Sultanahmet district from the ferry line across Bosporus

^ old Galata tower surrounded by typical city havoc

A neutral connecting now alienated East and West of Europe is not that all hospitable. At times it makes it clear that one's not wanted. From aggressive service to strange (even alien) technological solutions. E.g. electronic pass on public transport that refuses to work after used too frequently or top-upped too generously: that must assume that you are rich enough to buy another one!

At times one can respect the country's protectionism. Like when not finding global brands where one would expect to meet them in like most of European cities. More often than not one will be frustrated though.

^lair of Medusa down at the Basilica Cistern, famous for its antique columns

The recollections of my acquaintances that tried to settle down for a while add up to the frustration. One will not be able to get a local job since only 1/5 of the positions can be assigned to foreigners when fully justified. That's by law; the actual censorship is even heavier, forbidding to hire foreigners almost entirely. The residence permit once obtained is not granted at all: it can be lifted up after as many as 6 years with close to no reason! And of all my fellas who moved in about a year ago, no one got it in the first place. The annoying institute of "emapadronamiento" is in place here as well. Add up complexity of renting an apartment - in Istanbul it's at least as hard as in generalized Barcelona.

^ the Iron Church - amusing Orthodox modular structure

However, Turkish tea is a blast! Got myself a traditional teapot literally on the first day of stay. It functions as a "poor man's samovar", which is a simple and reliable way to extract the most of the flavor from tea leaves. Perfect! Gonna go make myself another cup.

^ pastel-colored borderline between Asia and Europe

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