Ivory Siege Tower

mobile construct built of thoughts and parentheses

Org-Roam-Blog Utils

orb project source

Generic and entry-related utility definitions for the Org-Roam-Blog Engine Package.

§ Roam-related

Getter for a node :PROPERTY:

  (defsubst org-roam-blog--get-node-property (node property)
    "Get PROPERTY from Roam NODE; 'assocdr'-style shortcut."
    (declare (type org-roam-node node)
             (type string property))
    (--> node
         (org-roam-node-properties it)
         (assoc property it)
         (cdr it)))

§ FIXME An expelled org-roam-node-find-noselect finder

It was removed from the org-roam core module. I temporarily put it back.

  1. Understand the reason:

  2. Refactor into nicer usage.

  (defun org-roam-node-find-noselect (node &optional force)
    "Navigate to the point for NODE, and return the buffer.
  If NODE is already visited, this won't automatically move the
  point to the beginning of the NODE, unless FORCE is non-nil."
    (unless (org-roam-node-file node)
      (user-error "Node does not have corresponding file"))
    (let ((buf (find-file-noselect (org-roam-node-file node))))
      (with-current-buffer buf
        (when (or force
                  (not (equal (org-roam-node-id node)
          (goto-char (org-roam-node-point node))))

§ Filename utils

  (defun org-roam-blog--current-dir ()
    "Get the absolute path of the current directory."
     (if load-file-name
         (file-name-directory load-file-name)
(defsubst org-roam-blog--substring-from-right (s n)
  "Retusrns substring of length N from the end of string S."
  (let* ((end (length s)) (beg (- end n)))
    (substring s beg end)))
  (defsubst fname-with-tslash (fname)
    "Make sure that FNAME comes with trailing slash."
    (let ((fname (string-trim fname)))
      (if (string-equal "/" (org-roam-blog--substring-from-right fname 1))
        (format "%s/" fname))))
  (defsubst fname-no-tslash (fname)
    "Make sure that FNAME comes with trailing slash."
    (let ((fname (string-trim fname)))
      (if (string-equal "/" (org-roam-blog--substring-from-right fname 1))
          (substring fname 0 -1)

§ Calendar date list construction

Handy utility defs used by ORB (and general useful for one's custom library).

  (defsubst org-roam-blog-to-calendar-date (s)
    "Constructs a valid date list for Calendar from Org's datestring S."
    (let ((dt (org-parse-time-string s)))
      (list (nth 4 dt)     ; month
            (nth 3 dt)     ; day
            (nth 5 dt))))  ; year

§ Slug Builder

A slug-builder made using unidecode package. Set as default for ORB's index slug-fn.

Looks like the easiest way to have e.g. Cyrillic -> ASCII string translations saved.

  (defsubst org-roam-blog-slugify (string)
    "Default slug builder. Sanitizes the STRING using `unidecode'
  package, removes extra hyphens, coerces result to lowercase."
      (lambda (accum item)
        (replace-regexp-in-string (car item) (cdr item)  accum))
      '(("--+" . "-") ("^-"  . "") ("-$"  . ""))
      (unidecode-sanitize string))))

§ Entry content to HTML

This is a very raw section.

At the moment, I intend to use external org-to-html translator like orgize, since it should be faster (?) and more manageable (??) than the built-in org methods.

A thin balance between tweaking such engine and/or modifying the entry buffer before translation is yet to be found.

§ Interface to htmlizer - external dynamic module

This is a test environment. The top package file loads an external Rust pre-built module like that I am to shipping with the engine.

Then I define the following alias for a htmlizer function extracted from the module:

  (defsubst org-roam-blog--org-to-html (s)
    (funcall #'my-org-dynmod/org-to-html s))

§ HTMLizer function node property

But that one above the node itself can swap to another htmlizer function to which it can refer thrugh org-roam-blog-html-fn-property (defaults to "ORB_HTML_FN"). The following subst returns this function symbol if set:

  (defsubst org-roam-blog--get-node-html-fn (node)
    "When Roam NODE's html-fn-property is set, return its symbol interned."
    (declare (type org-roam-node node))
    (--> node
          it org-roam-blog-html-fn-property)
         (when it (intern it))))

§ Backlinks passing for node's context

Shortcut to get the lead-index for a node in question, from the current site's state that is lexically bound within -orb--entry-registry, during the process of a site staging (within org-roam-blog-stage-site).

I admit that it's a hack. Originating from lack of planning beforehand. Seems legit, but at the same time a bit clumsy. I might later think about how to communicate the state of a website instance more gracefully (without massive OOP that I'd better avoid). At the moment it's not that important, since it's unlikely that I process more than one site instance at a time, and possible asynchronous processing of indexes within that instance shouldn't be blocked.

But I know it's quite dumb. And yep, hail lexical binding for making this workaround available...

  (defsubst org-roam-node--lead-index-for (node-id)
   (ht-get (org-roam-blog-g-entries-get) node-id))

In the end of the backlinks context processor I remove-duplicates for resulting list of hash tables. This is to watch for when anchors are added: listing same material/section more than once is not good while referencing different sections on the same page is Okay.

  (defsubst org-roam-blog--backlinks-to-context (node)
    "Extract backlinks for a context of the NODE."
    (let* ((backlinks (org-roam-backlinks-get node))
           (backnodes (mapcar #'org-roam-backlink-source-node backlinks)))
       (cl-loop for bn in backnodes
                for lead-index = (org-roam-node--lead-index-for (org-roam-node-id bn))
                when lead-index ; process those back-linked entries that are on this site as well
                collect (ht ("title" (org-roam-node-title bn))
                            ("link" (org-roam-blog--relative-entry-url
                                     bn lead-index))))
       (remove-duplicates :test #'ht-equal?))))

§ Contents for node's context

Anchors on page of selected level are collected as Table of Contents.

  (defun org-roam-blog--toc-to-context (node req-level)
    (let* ((lead-index (org-roam-node--lead-index-for
                        (org-roam-node-id node)))
           (urlprefix (org-roam-blog--relative-entry-url node lead-index))
              (insert (org-roam-blog--prepr-filter-noexport
                       (org-roam-blog--get-node-content node)))
              (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'headline
                (lambda (headline)
                  (let ((title (org-element-property :raw-value headline))
                        (level (org-element-property :level headline))
                        (begin (org-element-property :begin headline)))
                          (progn (goto-char begin) (thing-at-point 'line t)))
                          (string-match org-roam-blog-anchor-regex title))) 
                      (cons title level))))))))
      (->> (cl-loop for hl in headlines
                    for i from 1
                    collect (cons hl i))
           (remove-if-not (lambda (hl) (>= req-level (cdar hl))))
           (mapcar (lambda (hl)
                     (ht ("title" (caar hl))
                          (format "%s#%s-%s"
                                  (org-roam-blog-slugify (caar hl))
                                  (cdr hl)))))))))

§ Node content text preprocessing

Preprocessing of a node's content text in order to:

  • filter :noexport: subtrees

  • get links to other registered nodes

  • collect media files and update their urls

  • inject headline anchor links

  • etc

§ Filter :noexport:

The idiom of iteratively modifying text buffer with node content used in following processors proved to be reliable and rather fast.

However, benchmarks show this version of altering Org buffer through #'re-search-forward and #'org-cut-subtree to work faster than my idioms with #'org-element-map and #'buffer-substring placing. And still it is the slowest middleware, though also quite important one.

That actually refers to a discussion on quick emacs buffer slicing. At the moment I do not know if the solution is found.

  (defun org-roam-blog--prepr-filter-noexport (text)
          () (let ((p (point)))
               (setf p (re-search-forward "^*" nil t))
               (when p
                 (goto-char p)
                 (when (member "noexport" (org-get-tags))
        (insert text)
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (let ((scan (point)))
          (while (not (null scan))
            (setf scan (-filter-noexport))))

§ Get links to registered nodes

The weird emacs point arithmetics somehow makes it swallow a trailing space after id: links. I really dunno why. The workaround is the keep-trailing-space labeled lambda that returns the space-in string back, or an empty string otherwise:

  (defun org-roam-blog--prepr-replace-node-links (text)
      (cl-labels ((keep-trailing-space
                   (if (char-equal 32 (char-before point)) " " ""))
                  (link-replace ()
                    (if-let ((id-link (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'link
                                        (lambda (link)
                                          (when (string= (org-element-property :type link) "id")
                                             (org-element-property :path link)
                                             (org-element-property :begin link)
                                             (org-element-property :end link)
                                             (org-element-property :contents-begin link)
                                             (org-element-property :contents-end link))))
                                        nil t)))
                        (if-let ((index (org-roam-node--lead-index-for (first id-link))))
                            (setf (buffer-substring (second id-link) (third id-link))
                                  (format "[[%s][%s]]%s"
                                           (org-roam-node-from-id (first id-link))
                                          (buffer-substring (fourth id-link) (fifth id-link))
                                          (keep-trailing-space (third id-link))))
                          (setf (buffer-substring (second id-link) (third id-link))
                                (format "[[%s][%s]]" (first id-link)
                                        (buffer-substring (fourth id-link) (fifth id-link))))))))
          (insert text)
          (let ((links-to-go t))
            (while links-to-go
              (setf links-to-go (link-replace))))

§ Process media links

I may further look at #'org-export-read-attribute to read and process image captions and other optional attrs that are used for images in Org.

  (defun org-roam-blog--prepr-media-links (text node)
    (let* ((index  (org-roam-node--lead-index-for
                    (org-roam-node-id node)))
           (destdir (org-roam-blog-site-scratch-dir (org-roam-blog-g-site-get)))
           (destdir (f-expand (org-roam-blog-index-slug index) destdir))
           (destdir (f-expand (org-roam-blog-index-media-dir index) destdir))
           (urlprefix (concat "/" (org-roam-blog-index-slug index)
                              "/" (org-roam-blog-index-media-dir index))))
      (unless (f-exists-p destdir)
        ;; FIXME: some setups have outdated f.el:
        ;; (f-mkdir-full-path destdir)
        (shell-command (format "mkdir -p %s" destdir)))
            (if-let ((file-link
                      (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'link
                        (lambda (link)
                          (when (string= (org-element-property :type link) "file")
                             (org-element-property :path link)
                             (org-element-property :begin link)
                             (org-element-property :end link))))
                        nil t)))
                (cl-destructuring-bind (path begin end) file-link
                  (let ((path-orig
                         (f-expand path (f-dirname (org-roam-node-file node))))
                         (f-expand (f-filename path) destdir))
                        (urlpath (concat urlprefix "/" (f-filename path))))
                    (when (f-exists? path-orig)
                      (unless (f-exists? path-dest) (f-copy path-orig path-dest))
                      (if (member (downcase (f-ext path)) org-roam-blog-media-image-extensions)
                          (setf (buffer-substring begin end)
                                (format org-roam-blog-media-image-inline-format-string
                        (setf (buffer-substring begin end)
                              (format "[[%s][%s]]" urlpath (f-filename path))))))))))
          (insert text)
          (let ((links-to-go t))
            (while links-to-go
              (setf links-to-go (link-replace))))

§ Prepend anchor links for headlines

Also quite tediously-composed preprocessor, since the intermediate Org-buffer is being modified in place.

  (defun org-roam-blog--prepr-prepend-anchor-links (text node)
      (let ((idx 0))
            ((to-id (title idx)
                    (format org-roam-blog-anchor-id-format
                            (org-roam-blog-slugify title)
             (to-anchor (title idx)
                        (format org-roam-blog-anchor-format
                                (org-roam-blog-slugify title)
              (if-let ((headline
                        (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'headline
                          (lambda (headline)
                            (let ((title (org-element-property :raw-value headline))
                                  (level (org-element-property :level headline))
                                  (begin (org-element-property :begin headline)))
                                    (progn (goto-char begin) (thing-at-point 'line t)))
                                    (string-match org-roam-blog-anchor-regex title))) 
                                  (list title level begin))))
                          nil t)))
                  (cl-destructuring-bind (title level begin) headline
                    (cl-incf idx)
                    (let* ((anchor (to-anchor title idx))
                           (id (to-id title idx)))
                      (setf (buffer-substring (+ begin level) (+ begin level))
                      (setf (buffer-substring begin begin)
                            (format "#+begin_export html\n<a id=\"%s\"></a>\n#+end_export\n"
            (insert text)
            (let ((headlines-to-go t))
              (while headlines-to-go
                (setf headlines-to-go (prepend-anchor-link))))

§ Compose the above

  • FIXME: move node to global context object.

  • TODO: add possibility to attach additional "middleware".

  (defun org-roam-blog--preprocess-node-content (text node)
    (-> text
      (org-roam-blog--prepr-media-links node)
      (org-roam-blog--prepr-prepend-anchor-links node)))

§ Entry content to HTML

First define a function that finds the start of a node's content in both cases (for headline nodes and file nodes), based on a customizable content-start-regexp. The definition is similar to Org's outline-end-of-heading.

  (defun org-roam-blog--content-start ()
    (if (re-search-forward
          org-roam-blog-outline-content-start-regexp nil 'move)
        (forward-char -1)))

With that, in those two cases I can obtain content of a node:

  (defsubst org-roam-blog--get-node-content (node)
    "Get textual content of a NODE, for either headline or a file NODE."
    (with-current-buffer (org-roam-node-find-noselect node t)
      (let* ((beg (condition-case nil
                      (progn (outline-back-to-heading) (point))
                    (error 1)))
             (end (if (= beg 1)
                    (progn (outline-end-of-subtree) (point))))
             (beg (progn
                    (goto-char beg)
          (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))))

And the following definition passes thus obtained content to HTMLizer.

  (defsubst org-roam-blog--htmlize-node-content (node)
    "Get a node content and HTMLize it with preferred engine."
    (let ((htmlizer (or (org-roam-blog--get-node-html-fn node)
      (if-let ((raw-content-filename
                 node org-roam-blog-html-src-property)))
             (f-expand raw-content-filename
                        (f-dirname (org-roam-node-file node))))
        (funcall htmlizer
                  (org-roam-blog--get-node-content node) node)))))

§ Aux and temporary utilities for entries

Ad-hocs that should be reworked.

Drop the main tag, coming out from orgize:

  (defsubst org-roam-blog--drop-main-tag (s)
    "Remove <main> tag from orgize-produced html."
    (seq-subseq s 6 (- (length s) 7)))
   (org-roam-blog--org-to-html "** Section Test"))
: <h2>Section Test</h2>