Ivory Siege Tower

mobile construct built of thoughts and parentheses

the Tower

project siegetower st_keepers_notes

ยง about this blog

The Ivory Siege Tower is my homepage. That simple? Well, not really...

In fact the Tower is a creative slice (or better, a projection) of my personal Org-Roam knowledgebase in a form of static website. Even more, it is self-aware! Its exporting engine, configuration and design are scattered within its staircases, rafts, bridges and various siege equipment.

Similar to the Siege Tower and Org-Roam-Blog are systems like Firn and Alexey Shmalko's Uniorg-powered homepage. Of notable mention is also the Arcology Garden.

However, while being inspired by them, I wanted a native emacs-lisp website exporter from org-roam so that creative weblogging would be as simple and unobtrusive as taking notes in Org, with minimal overhead devoted to publishing.

This idea, and the World's pandemic, made me start the experiment you see.