Ivory Siege Tower

mobile construct built of thoughts and parentheses

Adventures in the GuixLand #3: Emacs Configured


emacs guix st_dev

Well, it was hell of a summer I must say. The Siege Tower seemed abandoned for the time being, although it's not true. It's just that creative distraction took place mostly in finding better setup of emacs environment, including re-formatting the init.el.

At the moment I carry around my favorite editor and its packages with guix, which works quite well: the majority of emacs packages I rely upon are already packed in the Guix store. Being able to get e.g. the whole up-to-date telega.el and its contrib extensions with one command puts off much of stress. And the potential ability to plug an established Guix manifest on a new machine makes it feel better by an order of magnitude, at least.

The problem I have to address with such an attitude: what is to be done with programming environments that rely upon their own distribution methods? Sometimes replicating the functionality of, say rustup, is quite hard, and it makes me carry both Guix and non-Guix instances of the installation (and let's forget about nodejs for good). Accurate ways of mitigating such issues (or maybe switching parts of Guix-Home profile setup) are yet for me to research.

As for the Siege Tower, it is now reinforced by my Emacs Literate Config. It is a milestone, since Emacs and Org-Roam is Teh Foundation of my Digital Garden.

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